Viking Grand European Tour 15-Day River Cruise Review

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I was more than ready for this Viking Grand European Tour 15-day river cruise from Budapest to Amsterdam. Lee Oliver, our Viking Lif river ship Program Director, greeted us at the gangway with a warm “Welcome Aboard!” 

Those two words were like music to my ears. Maybe not Bartok or Liszt but music nonetheless.

Budapest, Hungary, on the beautiful and sometimes-blue Danube, has so much to experience.

A mid-afternoon boarding gave guests plenty of time before dinner to explore this spirited yet somewhat austere city, either on their own or with a Viking tour excursion.

Viking Grand European Tour river cruise on the Danube in Budapest
4:30pm arrival and it was still daylight in late October when I boarded Viking Lif in Budapest.

Viking River Grand European River Cruise Review

In the course of two-weeks, we would cruise on three rivers; the Danube, Main and Rhine rivers. Along the way, Viking Lif had 12 scheduled cruise ports to visit before docking in Amsterdam. A couple of port tour excursions offered day trips to other nearby ancient towns, and I highly recommend those options. Here’s our itinerary.

Grand European Tour Itinerary

  • Day 1:    Budapest, Hungary
  • Day 2:    Budapest and Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Day 3:    Vienna, Austria
  • Day 4:    Melk, Austria
  • Day 5:    Linz, Austria and Passau, Germany
  • Day 6:    Regensburg, Germany
  • Day 7:    Nuremberg, Germany
  • Day 8:    Bamberg, Germany
  • Day 9:    Wurzburg, Germany and Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany
  • Day 10:  Wertheim, Germany
  • Day 11:  Koblenz, Germany
  • Day 12:  Cologne, Germany
  • Day 13:  Kinderdijk, The Netherlands
  • Day 14:  Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Getting to Budapest by Train

As a solo traveler and someone who doesn’t fly, it was a challenge to figure out how to get to Budapest. After one night in Munich, Germany, it was an eight hour train ride to Budapest.

In First Class on trains in Europe, you’ll find many English-speaking passengers from North America. It was easy to strike up conversations with fellow travelers and the eight hours quickly passed.

Arriving into Budapest Keleti station for my Viking Grand European Tour.
The Grand Hall at Budapest Keleti station. Completed in 1884, it is still one of Europe’s grandest railway stations.

With the help of Viking reservations, I pre-reserved a driver to meet me at Budapest’s historic Keleti station.

Within 30 minutes of pulling into the station and getting into the taxi, I was on board Viking Lif, met our program director and settled into my cozy cabin. Our Viking Grand European Tour was about to begin.

RELATED:  How to Take the Train to Budapest for a River Cruise

Day 1:  Viking Lif Embarkation

By the time I arrived at the ship in the late afternoon, other passengers had already unpacked and were mingling about the vessel. They had enough time for a short city tour and were enjoying cocktails in the lounge. 

I had about an hour to get acquainted with my cabin and Viking Lif river ship before the first pre-dinner meeting.

Our Danube cruise began in Budapest aboard Viking Skadi. This is my cabin.
Cabin 311 on the upper deck. It was low tide as you can see from level of the street.

At 6:30pm, it was time to head to the lounge, meet the other guests and attend the informative yet brief review of our river cruise itinerary. Though the meeting was necessary and very informative, I really looked forward to tonight’s dinner. 

All I ate on the eight-hour train ride from Munich to Budapest was a bowl of Hungarian Goulash. No complaints…the goulash was very good and of course, very appropriate!

Viking Lif Atrium
It was a short walk from my cabin and through the glass-paneled Viking Lif Atrium to the lounge.

READ NEXT:  Getting to Budapest for Viking Grand European Tour Embarkation

It was a balmy autumn night that beckoned tourists and locals alike to stroll along the banks of the Danube late into the evening. I was tired but excited to finally have a chance to walk across Budapest’s historic Chain Bridge. 

Camera in hand, I must have crossed the Danube four or six times, snapping photos of the warm yellow bridge lights, couples strolling arm in arm, and the magnificently illuminated state buildings that line the riverfront.

Finally, it was time to call it a night. Tomorrow, our Grand European Tour river cruise would begin with a full day of sightseeing before we even got underway.

READ MORE:  In-Depth Review of Embarkation Day in Budapest

Danube river cruise and Budapest at night at the Chain Bridge
You can see how wonderfully close Viking Lif is docked to the bridge.

Day 2:  Touring and Tasting Budapest

If being chatty at breakfast isn’t your thing, there’s the option for a very relaxing breakfast buffet at Aquavit Terrace every morning. It’s also a good way to plan your morning time if you have a 9:00am or even earlier tour departure. This was usually how my day started; quiet, comfortable, and a cappuccino in hand.

By 8:15am on our second day in Budapest, passengers heard the first warning announcement for our city tour departure.

Know Your Tour Departure Time

Here’s how it’s done on river cruises. You know your tour departure time, say 9 A.M. At 8:45 A.M. over the PA system, you’re given a 15-minute heads-up for the tour to leave. 

Then you hear a 5-minute warning for your motor coach departure. The tour departure time that’s posted is not when you should walk out of your stateroom. It’s actually when the bus departs. I’ve had to run to catch the bus on more than one occasion.

Today’s complimentary morning tour was your basic European city overview; historic places, medieval churches, political hotspots of yore. In the scope of four hours, we would either drive by, stop to view or exit the motor coach to stretch and take photos. 

Highlights of Our Budapest Tours

Morning Tour of Budapest

Our motor coach drove across the Chain Bridge to Buda side of the Danube. This is the hilly side of the city where many of the most beautiful building are located.

Buda Castle across the Danube River
Buda Castle across the Danube on the Buda side of the Danube, houses the Hungarian National Gallery.

Views from the Buda side of the river…

Walk along Fishermen's Bastion in Budapest
Fishermen’s Bastion is one of the most popular tourist spots in the city.

Fishermen’s Bastion, built between 1895 and 1902, the beautiful towers and covered terrace weren’t built to defend the territory but to provide unparalleled views of the city. We had ample time to wander along the terrace and up to the Neo-Romanesque designed towers. This is the prime photo op location for sweeping vistas of Budapest.

Back aboard Viking Lif in time for lunch. As there would be on every day of the cruise, you can choose from two lunch venues; The Restaurant with table service and a buffet or in Aquavit for a café lunch, buffet-style. Most days, I chose Aquavit Lounge.

Afternoon Tour on the Pest Side

Budapest Jewish and Hungarian History

I signed up for the optional 2:00PM Dohány Street Synagogue and Hungarian Jewish Museum tour. The motor coach let us off just a short walk to the synagogue. Part of the intrigue was seeing the small shops, bars and cafés in what was once the Jewish Quarter, or Ghetto.

Dohány Street Synagogue
Dohány Street Synagogue is the second largest synagogue in the world and the largest in Europe.

Built in the Moorish Revival style between 1854-1859, it is the largest synagogue in Europe. In addition to the main synagogue (Great Synagogue), inside you’ll find the Hungarian Jewish Museum, the Graveyard and the Memorial.

Budapest Dohany Street Synagogue
Our guide, using a Quiet Vox, whispered to us the history and architectural details of the interior.

The Weeping Willow memorial is in the courtyard behind the synagogue. On its leaves are inscribed the names of 30,000 Holocaust victims. The father of actor Tony Curtis, Emanuel Schwartz, funded the weeping willow memorial. 

The courtyard was named Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who managed to save thousands of Jews from going to concentration camps.

Stopping for a Slice of Budapest’s Finest

After a stop at a small shop for a Hungarian pastry called, “Flódni”, we boarded the bus to head back to the ship. We returned just in time for Cocktail Hour.

Flodni Hungarian Jewish Cake
Lucious layers of poppyseed, walnut, apple and plum jam filled the sliced butter cake.

Tonight was the official “Welcome Aboard” toast by Captain Marcin and Hotel Manager Eve. One sparkling wine down and just before dinner, we had our next day’s briefing. Next port going north on the Danube would be Bratislava, Slovakia.

READ MORE:  Top 10 Things to See in Budapest

Day 3:  Bratislava, Slovakia and Funny Little Men

I woke up to see that we were underway, gently cruising along the Danube towards our next port, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Following breakfast and before we’d arrive, a mandatory safety drill was held. Warm autumn weather quickly drew everyone to the top deck and the drill took all of 15-20 minutes.

Afterwards, many of us stayed and either walked laps or settled into a lounge chair. With a mid-afternoon arrival into Bratislava, the day would be relaxing and informative. 

Program Director Lee led an enrichment talk about Vienna coffeehouses (where to go and what to eat) and a background about Austrian-born composer Wolfgang Mozart.

Even though from many points on the river you could walk ashore, there was still a mandatory muster drill.
Bratislava Castle is really a fortress.
Building Bratislava Fortress began in the 9th Century, destroyed by fire in 1811, and rebuilt in 1950s.
Bratislava Bronze Cumil statue peering out of manhole cover.
Meet Cumil, the sewer worker. Stories abound about what exactly he is supposed to be doing.

Locals have a great sense of humor as can be sensed when you try to find all the bronze statues. When I was in Bratislava, I counted eight almost human-size funny little men bronze statues. How many will you find?

Day 4:  Vienna, Austria

This wasn’t my first visit to this medieval city. From the beautifully baroque Schönbrunn Palace to a peek at the Spanish Lipizzaner Horses, Vienna has something surprising or magnificent around every corner.

I decided to pass on the complimentary morning motor coach tour of the city and get some writing done. One thing to note about Vienna, river cruise ship dockage is usually too far to walk to the city center. It is walkable but most people opt for a bus into the city and some will then walk back to the river ship.

Too good to pass up, I signed up for the Chef’s Tour to the Farmer’s Market (Naschtmarkt). A bit of walking, two subway trains and we were smack in the middle of a working-class neighborhood and a several-blocks-long farmer’s Market.

At the NaschtMarkt open-air market in Vienna, Austria
Chef Marius explained the history of the market, what we’d see, taste and experience on our tour. It was fabulous.

Market with hanging hams and a case of cheeses.

After a couple of hours, we were back on the subway, walked two blocks through Mexikoplatz and past St. Francis of Assisi Church and we were back on Viking Lif…in time for cocktails, of course. But not much time to spare. 

Not-to-Miss Evening in Vienna

I had signed up for the optional ($) Viking excursion tour to a concert hall for a Mozart and Strauss concert. Every river cruise line offers this but I had never done it. There would be an early dinner on board and then leave on the motor coaches before 7pm for the concert hall.

At the opera hall in Vienna, Austria.
Even if you’re not a classical music fan, the sensory experience in this magnificent concert hall in the heart of Vienna, is mesmerizing.

The concert hall was beautifully Baroque. We were all packed in on folding chairs like sardines in a tin though not as smelly. The performances were excellent with most of the music and singing were familiar classical pieces. 

If you have a chance to book a shore excursion that includes a concert in Vienna, I highly recommend it.

Afterwards, everyone was really quiet on the motor coach back to the ship. It had been a busy, long day from one end of the city to another.

When we arrived back to the ship, we were greeted with a special Viking Grand European bedtime treat: goulash soup in Aquavit Restaurant. The gorgeous bowl of soup and a fresh-baked crunchy roll accompanied me back to my cabin. Within an hour, I was asleep. One more port in Austria tomorrow.

Day 5:  Melk, Austria

All That Glitters is Mostly Gold

Melk is a curiously monastic community with the resplendent gold Melk Abbey high on a hill overlooking the Danube. Cobblestone street wind through town, leading to the Abbey’s grand entrance. Monks from the Abbey stroll through town and work in the Abbey as they have for more than 900 years.

Melk Abbey in Melk, Austria
Built between 1702 and 1736, Melk Abbey was originally a royal palace. Now, it’s a “working” monastery with over 700 Benedictine students.

Plan to spend about an hour inside the Abbey. You can walk up to the entrance or take a motor coach to the top of the hill.

The baroque interior is dazzling, the library has over 80,000 medieval manuscripts and several hidden doors. Leave time to step outside for a sweeping view of the city and Danube below. 

It’s a pleasant stroll over a little bridge back to the river ship, or take the motor coach again. The town is lovely with cafés and small boutique shops.

With a “Be back on board” at 3:45pm, we were welcomed with an Austrian apple strudel-making demonstration. Then the habitual cocktail hour, daily port briefing and the slow walk into the dining room. Another satisfying multi-course dinner and off to bed.

Viking Grand European river cruise with Strudel-making demonstration
Mid-afternoon strudel-making demonstration followed by fresh-baked apple strudel slices and coffee or tea.

Every night on the river cruise there’s entertainment in the lounge. So far, we’ve had the onboard musician at the keyboard and dancing, Slovakian folk dancing show and the goulash event. With days so busy, evening entertainment has been kept to a minimum. I think Viking knows that we’d be exhausted.

READ NEXT:  Viking Adds New Pre- and Post-River Cruise Options

Day 6:  Passau, Engine Issues and a Slight Detour

Surprise! We were informed last night that Viking Lif was having engine trouble and we’d not make it to dock in Passau. Instead, Viking Lif would tie up in Linz. So at 8:15am, (it was a really early wake-up!) passengers boarded Viking’s motor coach for a full-day nine-hour tour.

Sadly, one man had to see a doctor in the nearest town so he and his wife had to stay in Linz. I was working under deadline to file a story, so a 9-hour day in motion put me into panic. 

Viking’s Program Director, Lee, made similar arrangements for me so that I could spend the day writing instead of touring. I was so incredibly happy when I found out I would have a hotel room for the day in Linz and would get a full day’s writing done.

Viking Grand European Tour river cruise spent a day in Passau, Germany.
Rainy day in Passau, Germany on the pedestrian street.

Even the light drizzle didn’t stop anyone from walking in the city center. After my friend’s doctor appointment, the three of us met for lunch and a walk through town. Linz is one of the most non-touristic larger cities I’ve visited in Europe. It’s very charming. And I’ll bet it’s even lovelier during the holiday/Christmas market season.

At 5:00PM, a white minivan arrived and the three of us were off to meet Viking Lif, fully repaired at the shipyard in Linz. All the other passengers were on their way back from Passau. And we all arrived in time for cocktail hour, daily briefing and another very nice dinner in the dining room.

Viking Grand European Tour continued in Linz when ship was repaired.
This was such a nice touch…especially for the other 190+ guests who were shuttled about all day.

Onward to Straubing, Germany! Almost halfway through our Viking Grand European Tour. Tempus Fugit.

Day 7:  Regensburg, Bavaria – Germany

This was one of those years in central Europe when the rain seems to never stop. Germany and France had seen flooding at the end of summer and rivers were swollen and overflowing their banks. 

As we made our way up the Danube, I started to watch the water’s edge. I knew from past river cruises, if I saw tree trunks submerged and debris quickly flowing past us, it meant trouble.

With high water, river ships cannot fit under the dozens of ancient bridges. Locks get stuck. But Viking Lif made its way to Straubing and by 2:00pm, we boarded the motor coach for the short ride to beautiful medieval Regensburg.

I was so glad Regensburg was included on this Viking Grand European Tour. It’s among my favorite places in Europe. This is the oldest city on the Danube and dates back to the year 179.

While the Dom St. Peter Gothic Cathedral is one of the grandest in all Bavaria and worth a visit, I always head to the Alte Würstküche, meaning, “Old Sausage Kitchen”, it’s the oldest restaurant in Germany.

At the oldest sausage restaurant in Germany, Alte Würstküche, in Regensburg.
And this was the smallest order of sausages! Even the crunchy bread was fabulous.

The restaurant is usually packed with tourists throughout the summer but this rainy October day, I had no problem getting my own indoor table. Once you’ve finished your beer and extras, take a walk across the Old Stone Bridge. Built between 1135 and 1146, it was the bridge used by the knights on the second and third Crusades to the Holy Land.

Danube Begins to Look a Little Ominous

What I saw from Regensburg Old Bridge didn’t look too good. I’d been on enough floods on the rivers in Europe to recognize the inevitable.

The Danube was rushing past us downstream heading towards the Black Sea, its terminus. Trees were submerged. The water was creeping up to the lower levels of the medieval buildings.

Flood waters in Germany.
Uh-oh. Trees were submerged. The water was creeping up to the lower levels of the medieval buildings.

While we were in Regensburg, Viking Lif sailed from Straubing to Regensburg to meet us. This was a chance for passengers who simply yearned for a quiet day onboard to just cruise.

Back onboard with time to freshen up before the daily briefing. But tonight, the meeting took a sudden twist. The Program Director proceeded with an (un)expected announcement.

To paraphrase, Lee said, “Pack your bags, we’re changing river ships in the morning”. It was a very busy evening for everyone. 

We would disembark with our carry-on luggage the next morning at 8:30 AM in Deggendorf, then board a bus to meet sister ship, Viking Skadi, in Nuremberg. Our Viking Grand European Tour was about to take a twist.

Day 8:  Changing Ships and a Detour

A Visit to an Extraordinarily Bizarre Monument

With our luggage taken off the ship and loaded onto buses, we only had to bring along our carry-on bags. 

I had been through this river ship shuffle three times in the last few years so I knew what to expect. River cruisers seem to roll with the punches. There’s nothing you can do when there’s a flood or a drought except board a bus and change ships.

Early morning departure from Viking Lif and onto Nuremberg and our next ship.
Early morning departure from Viking Lif and onto Nuremberg and our next ship. Docked at Deggendorf then onto a bus for drive to Nuremberg, with a stop at Walhalla.

Viking had a really good plan on the way to Nuremberg. Driving through Bavaria en route to Nuremberg, we stopped at Walhalla, Germany’s monument to its native Germanic language politicians, scientists, artists and other distinguished people over the centuries. 

Perched on a hilltop overlooking the Danube river, Walhalla looms on the horizon bearing a striking resemblance to the Parthenon in Greece.

Viking Grand European River Cruise stop at Walhalla
Here we are with a stop at Germany’s Walhalla, a midpoint break on our drive from Deggendorf to Nuremberg and Viking Skadi.
Wahalla monument on the Danube river in Bavaria, Germany
Wahalla seen from the Danube. Completed in 1842, its walls are lined with over 160 busts of an assortment of Germanic artists, scientists, philosophers and politicians dating back hundreds of years.

By 11 AM we were back on the bus leaving Walhalla, heading to our next ship. 

How River Cruise Ships Deal With Floods

To explain how this ship shuffle works, our original river ship, Viking Lif, couldn’t go any further upriver – the water was too high to let Viking Lif go under the next bridge. Viking Skadi, on its way south from Amsterdam, couldn’t get past Nuremberg for the same reason. 

Thus, each ship would swap passengers and bus everyone to the other ship. Then the ships do a U-turn and continue on the route of the original river ship. Everyone would end up at their scheduled port. Viking had this ship exchange experience down to a science.

We had reached the half-way point of our Grand European Tour. Where did that first week go?

READ MORE ABOUT:  What exactly happened on this ship-shuffle day

I divided my Viking Grand European Tour river cruise into two parts. 

This is part one; Budapest to Nuremberg. Click the link below to continue onto our  second week; Nuremberg to Amsterdam.


Thank you for reading the first half of my Viking Grand European Tour. Spoiler alert:  Seven more days of cruising, castles, culture and cuisine.



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  1. Hi Gary,
    Thank you for your comment and for reading my article. I think I did this cruise in 2018. The last two years were a wash for sure. Nothing has changed with the itinerary, unless it is a last minute decision. Viking still advertises for their Grand European Tour so I think my article is very reliable to help readers decide to try this amazing trip. Viking did a great job, especially when you consider the unexpected ship change. Thank you again for taking the time to write. I hope you have the opportunity to try this cruise.

  2. Hi Ruth,
    Thank you for writing and taking the time to read my post. As you saw, this river cruise was with Viking and it was wonderful. I also recommend AmaWaterways, Avalon and Uniworld for these longer cruises – they also carry fewer passengers.

    While a suite isn’t necessary, it does give you more space. But similar to ocean cruising, in my opinion, as long as I can open a door for fresh air, a balcony or french balcony on a river cruise is fine…and less expensive.
    Whichever line you choose, have a wonderful river cruise. Thanks again for your comment.

  3. This is the River cruise I’ve been wanting to do..I’m just undecided which company to go with. This seems very busy to get everything in. I also wanted a suite room but maybe that’s not necessary. Your article is very informative especially about the changing of boats due to water issues..I’ve always wondered how that would work.

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